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Tue Aug 20 2024Admin

The updated Investment Law in KSA

The Updated Investment Law in KSA On August 11, 2024, the Saudi Cabinet authorized an updated Investment Law that will replace the Foreign Investment Law and regulate all investments in the Kingdom. The law is designed to foster an investment climate that is both attractive and competitive, thereby contributing to economic development and competitive justice.

What is the updated investment law?

The updated investment law aims to create a fair and balanced legal framework that promotes equality between foreign and local investors. The goal is to update the foreign investment law to better accommodate the ever-changing global and local economic landscape. In addition, there are several enhanced procedures in place to make it easier for investors to enter the Saudi market. These procedures focus on protecting intellectual property and streamlining interactions with various sectors and government entities.

What are the aims of the Updated Investment Law?

  •  Simplifying the investment landscape: The law is designed to improve and simplify the current investment environment in Saudi Arabia.
  • Enhancing competitiveness and appeal: It aims to enhance the Kingdom's investment climate by consolidating the fundamental components of the investment framework.
  • Creating a comprehensive framework: The law establishes a more coherent and transparent system by providing investors with a unified set of rights, duties, and procedures.
  • Boosting investment inflows: The law is anticipated to attract a greater amount of investment across a variety of sectors by enhancing the overall investment landscape.
  • Employment and job creation: The reduction of unemployment rates will be achieved through the creation of additional job opportunities for Saudi citizens as a result of increased investments.
  • Human capital development: The transmission and localization of international expertise and knowledge will be facilitated by the inflow of foreign investments, thereby improving the skills and qualifications of the Saudi workforce.

How the updated investment system defined the investor?

The updated investment law in Saudi Arabia provides a clear and comprehensive definition of who qualifies as an investor. First, an “investor” refers to any natural person (individual) or legal entity (such as a company or organization) that commits capital or resources to a project or business within Saudi Arabia with the intention of generating a profit. The updated law aims to create a more investor-friendly environment by offering clarity on the rights and obligations of investors, promoting transparency, and ensuring that investments contribute to the economic development of the Kingdom. This definition is designed to encourage both domestic and international investment by providing a stable legal framework.

Differences between the Foreign and updated Investment law

The Foreign Investment Law is the system that establishes the conditions and requirements that foreign investors must meet in order to enter the Saudi market. However, it was devoid of certain amenities that promote the attraction of foreign investors. The updated investment law strives to enhance and modernize procedures and regulations in order to promote investment, regardless of whether it is domestic or international.

The Foreign Investment law

Foreign investors are required to acquire an investment certificate pursuant to the Foreign Investment Law. Additionally, the Council of Ministers establishes the activities in which a foreign investor is prohibited from investing, imposes certain restrictions on the transfer of funds, does not guarantee the preservation of property rights, and does not grant the investor the right to resolve disputes with the government or municipalities except through amicable means.

The updated Investment law

The amended investment law ensured that foreign and local investors were treated equally and competitively. In reality, it is enacting numerous provisions that are essential for the attraction of foreign investors. The abolition of investor licensing and the sole registration of trademarks, the liberalization of economic activities, the restriction of exceptions to a list established by the permanent ministerial committee to evaluate foreign investments based on objective criteria, the freedom to transfer funds in and out, and the provision of intellectual property freedom are the most significant provisions.

How does the updated investment law contribute to attracting investments?

Fulfillment of competitive justice:
By ensuring that foreign and local investors have equal rights and privileges, as well as the same right to resort to the court to resolve disputes with the sectors or the government, investment security and competitive justice can be achieved.
Facilitating procedures
The elimination of investor licensing is a significant incentive for investors from around the globe to enter the Saudi investment market. In addition to expediting the issuance of specific licenses.
Achieving flexibility
Investors seeking a stable and adaptable investment environment are attracted to the system's increased flexibility in the transmission of funds in and out of the country.
Stimulating growth
The system fosters economic development by attracting a greater number of local and foreign investments, as well as by increasing productivity and creating new job opportunities.


The updated investment law is distinguished by its ability to ensure competitive justice between local and foreign investors. Intellectual freedom, transparency, and clarification are ensured by the new legislation. By 2030, the Kingdom intends to attract $100 billion in investments. Investing in Saudi Arabia is a promising opportunity that has the potential to generate significant economic growth. CIG Saudi Arabia is the premier choice for business setup services in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. To participate in this competitive contest and contribute to the promising investment environment, please reach out to them for a complimentary consultation.